If you are experiencing hurt, hardships, or heaviness...
Good news. God dwells with those who need help, and He wants to redeem and restore you.
Come experience an encounter with God!
Trade your problems for hope, healing and prayer
Music, messages, miracles, and much more!
Special guests and bands from around the world
Calling all volunteers and partners!
The mission of HOPE Fest Florida is a revival + reformation movement to:
Share the Gospel
Unify the Body
Advance Kingdom Culture
We are joining forces with thousands of creatives, musicians, churches, nonprofit organizations, small businesses, and ministries in a shared effort to bring hope and healing to the communities of Florida and beyond so the Body of Christ becomes One.
Will you step up to the call with us?
Offer your gifts, talents, and skills to support our event planning and
on-site teams.
Gain access to the materials, people, network, and audience that we’re building.